Exercise is obviously an important part of a healthy lifestyle. In fact, great magic can occur in your health if you can develop a regular, sustainable exercise regimen consisting primarily of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, preferably mixed with resistance exercises. However, what most people don’t realize is that you do not have to kill yourself to see amazing benefits – thus the word “sustainable” above. If you are not a regular exerciser, we strongly recommend that you start with only 15 minutes/day. If you are able to do that much, you will find that you will start eating smarter (to protect your investment), and when you combine those two, good health and a healthier weight will be yours.
Walk with the Docs is a fitness/networking initiative that encourages and emphasizes the importance of physical activity, while providing opportunities both for doctors to interact and for potential patients to interact with potential doctors.
All doctors in the medical field (MD, DO, DDS, DC, DPT, doctor in psychology, etc.) and potential patients are invited. Other networking (e.g., non-doctors seeking to expand their business) and the seeking of actual medical advice is prohibited. All doctors participating wear name badges that include their name, degree, and the type of doctor they are.
Walk with the Docs is organized on a local level. Please visit www.walkwiththedocs.com to see if it has been organized, or if you would like to organize it, in your area. We hope you will join us!