Following are specific guidelines for you to create menu items that qualify for The 4:1 Rule. There are two main ways to look at The 4:1 Rule:
- Volume (≥80% of the total volume of the meal consists of healthily-prepared plants and fatty seafood)
- Calories (≥80% of the total calories of the meal consists of healthily-prepared plants and fatty seafood)
Obviously the latter is the more stringent and therefore more effective qualification, since most meats, dairy, and processed foods generally have a much higher caloric density. On the flip side, the former is more livable. The challenge is to find that magical intersection between livable and effective (for excellent health and weight management).
Here are the specific guidelines or requirements for identifying an item as eligible to sport the P20T logo:
- It must contain at least 80% healthily-prepared plant- and fatty seafood-based foods by volume, and
- Fewer than 20% of its total calories must come from non-fatty seafood based animal fats or processed food (oil and sugar).
- A hamburger meal must contain >80% healthily-prepared plant- and fatty seafood-based products (e.g., whole-grain bun, plant-based toppings, and a side salad or veggies or baked fries), and <20% of the total calories of the meal must be provided by fat from the hamburger patty (whether it’s from beef or from frying a vegan patty) or other animal products, or from processed foods.
- A pizza must contain >80% healthily-prepared plant- and fatty seafood-based products (e.g., whole grain crust, mushrooms, olives, pineapple, onions, peppers, and shrimp), and <20% of the total calories must be provided by fat that comes from the meat or cheese.
- Strawberry jam must have <20% of its calories provided by added sugar.
We hope that’s not too complicated.