Check out our 4◊Score database (work in progress)! If you are a product manufacturer and see an error, share your more accurate calculation!
Dear Packaged Product Manufacturer:
Similar to Restaurants, it is very difficult to find truly healthy items commercially produced by the food industry. We invite and strongly encourage all food, drink, and other related industries to start labeling your products with the 4◊Scores of all of their products – or at least the ones with a 4◊Score >80! Then, try to transform (or create) as many products as possible so that they qualify.
Our goal is to help you provide your customers with a multitude of items that have a 4◊Score of 80-100, so they can “grab-n-go” instead of having to stop and hope to understand labels. We understand that it costs more to produce healthy plant-based foods – but with mass production we are hoping you will be able to keep the costs down.
As much as we wish it weren’t the case, it will be almost impossible to accomplish our shared goals without your help. Please contact us if you have any questions.
We need your help! Our Prime Directive is to make it easier to eat healthily, and YOU are absolutely key to this process!
The solution to the United States’ (and beyond!) obesity and health crisis remains largely in your hands, and we implore you to leverage all resources available to you to improve the nutrition of your products. Read our Home Page to learn how to do this, and then begin listing, posting, or labeling each item with its 4◊Score. We will all be eternally grateful! And, as you do this, health-minded people will buy more of your product(s)!
What would this accomplish?
The above strategy and efforts would make huge strides in helping us to reverse the “diabesity” epidemic, independently and drastically improving the health and extending the life of those most in need. Read The Blue Zones to learn more.