It really shouldn’t take a whole lot of room to discuss fitness.  Let’s just say that great magic can occur in your health if you can develop a regular, sustainable exercise regimen consisting primarily of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, preferably mixed with resistance exercises.  In addition, when you have successfully made regular exercise a part of your life, you start to eat smarter because you don’t want to undo the efforts you are making!  And that is the perfect health and weight management combination!  The good news is that you do not have to kill yourself to see amazing benefits, and if you want it to be sustainable you musn’t kill yourself!

If you are not a regular exerciser, we strongly recommend that you start with only 10-15 minutes/day.  Do whatever it takes to make it as painless and sustainable as possible.  Recruit a partner or two (even better!) to provide support and accountability.  Play a sport or do something else that is fun and active.  If alone, listen to music or watch TV to help the time pass more quickly.  If you can do a small amount of it daily, with only one or two days off, it will have a much greater chance of becoming part of your life.  Most who try to do it only once or twice a week find that they look forward to their days off too much.  Then, because they have taken some days off they feel they have to work out a lot longer on their workout days, and end up dreading those.  And the longer and harder you work out, the higher chance you will work up such an uncontrollable appetite that you eat back all the calories you burned off!

The benefits of exercise reach into every aspect of your health, including improving energy levels, sleep quality, and stress levels – three of the most difficult things to treat (from which a large percentage of Americans suffer).  So get off your duff and improve your health!  Make the decision right now to make exercise a permanent part of your life!  Without it, a healthy weight and life will likely forever be a pipe dream!